What is Blockchain: An Introduction to Blockchain Technology

15 July, 2023
In recent years, modern businesses are being constantly hit by new developments and trends – driving them to embrace cutting-edge technologies to survive and sustain. Most organizations have switched from legacy systems to the 'digital' to streamline business processes, improve operational efficiency, take strategic decisions, and reduce costs.

When it comes to business transformation, blockchain is a key technology that has gained significant momentum. Though the term 'blockchain' is primarily associated with cryptocurrencies, it is more of a disruptive technology that is revolutionizing how businesses operate today.

But what is blockchain and how it is empowering businesses today? In this article, we will cover everything you need to understand about blockchain for business.

What is blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed ledger or database that is shared across the connection points – or nodes – of a computer network. It streamlines the process of recording, storing, tracking, and analyzing data across a business network. Every time a transaction occurs, a dataset or “block” is created, which remains literally immutable. It means the dataset, or the block, cannot be altered.

The data stored on the ledger can only be accessed and modified by authorized network members. This eliminates the need to have a single, centralized authority (such as banks) to validate whether a transaction occurred in real-time. The bottom line: all transactions or information stored in blockchain are secure, structured, and often, irreversible.

Blockchain business: Leveraging the power of blockchain

Organizations that follow a traditional business model face a wide range of challenges in today’s fast-evolving competitive environment. From time-consuming processes to a lack of autonomy, payment barriers, higher costs, and poor security – both startups and large-scale enterprises face broad issues with the conventional model.

This is where blockchain in business can help revamp your existing model, improve operational efficiency, and reduce costs. Presently, the blockchain technology is widely being used in the field of cryptocurrencies. However, its applications for businesses are far-fetched – from data management to customer engagement and regulatory compliance.

To understand the significance of blockchain business, it is first important to know how the blockchain technology works.

How does blockchain work?

Each transaction is recorded as a dataset or “block
When a transaction happens, it is recorded as a “block,” indicating how a tangible or intangible asset moves.

A chain of data is formed by connecting each block
Each block of data is linked to the blocks before and after it, thus, forming a chain of valuable data. This helps comprehensively track how an asset moves across the network and when its ownership changes. The chain of blocks can also show the precise sequence and time when the transactions occurred. Since the blocks connect to each other securely, it protects the data from being modified and also prevents any additional block from being introduced within the network.

Creating a blockchain
As each block of data connects to each other, it forms an entire blockchain. It is tamper-proof and immutable – only authorized members of the network have access to the ledger. This eliminates the risk of the blockchain being intruded upon by a threat actor. Additionally, it helps build more trust and confidence among network members.

Uses of blockchain technology

In this section of the article, let’s understand the uses of blockchain technology, i.e., potential ways businesses can leverage the power of blockchain in their journey of transformation.
1. Smart Contracts

One of the primary uses of blockchain for business is Smart Contracts. It is a form of automated contract that integrates the terms & conditions of both parties in the form of codes. The codes are made irreversible by storing them on a decentralized and robust blockchain network. When the conditions written on the blockchain are met, Smart Contracts will automatically execute the associated conditions.

Using Smart Contracts based on blockchain technology allows businesses to manage disputes and take legal actions without the need for a third-party such as government officials, attorneys, or middlemen.

2. Supply Chain Management

If you are wondering how is blockchain used in business, then supply chain management is one of the foremost use cases. It allows small-and-medium-sized businesses to track their products across the supply chain, from production to shipping and delivery to the end consumers. For example, using blockchain technology in food chain supply can help businesses track the conditions and location of perishable food items. It can also help you monitor any problems that may arise in a batch from a particular location.

Using blockchain technology adds more transparency and security to the process.

3. Quality Assurance

Blockchain technology also plays an integral role in quality assurance. Suppose a problem arises in the supply chain and there is a need to track where things went wrong. In such a scenario, blockchain may function as a definitive ledger that can help detect the problem immediately.

4. Effective Marketing

When it comes to what can blockchain be used for in businesses, then we cannot overemphasize its importance in curating effective marketing campaigns. Creating different blocks with datasets containing valuable customer information and marketing data can help track consumer behavior in real-time. This can help curate marketing campaigns that generate higher ROI.

5. Improved Security

Another key role that blockchain plays in today’s business environment is it helps implement cutting-edge security measures. Robust security in blockchain comes with its transparency and decentralization. Since the information stored in the blockchain cannot be modified, it ensures improved security, preventing malicious actors. It also gives more confidence to users on the computer network to record and verify the information stored in this immutable network.

This is one of the primary differences between blockchain and conventional databases – decentralization and security. Additionally, the network is more complex, which further mitigates the risks of cybercrime.

In addition to the above, blockchain technology can aid in improved customer engagement, simplified payments, effective financial management, improved speed, and greater operational efficiency.

What is blockchain technology: Key components and concepts

For blockchain define, it is important to understand its key concepts and components. Here are the primary elements that provide a secure way to store and track digital databases:

Incontrovertible records
Information that you store in a blockchain cannot be modified or corrupted altogether. When a new block is added, the data in the previous block becomes entirely incontrovertible. The permission to change or modify the data lies only with authorized network users.

Blockchain is highly decentralized in nature and all succeeding instructions as a result of an action come in a coded format. So, whenever a ‘condition’ takes place, all other actions will follow automatically. This eliminates the need to have a thirdparty or a governing body intervene with the transactions.

Improved security
Enhanced security in the blockchain is ensured via cryptography. It uses complex coding and algorithm that are impenetrable, thereby, preventing the risks of cyberattacks.

Distributed ledger
It allows network users to validate, access, and modify the records stored in a block simultaneously. However, this is done with immutableness across the computer network, distributed across different entities. This entirely eliminates the need to have a third-party check for any kind of manipulation or validate the blockchain’s authenticity.

Blockchain Management: Ensuring security and privacy

Before integrating blockchain into your business transformation strategy, you would likely ask “Is blockchain secure?”

Blockchain is a one-of-a-kind technology that ensures improved transparency and decentralization. When a new block is added, it is stored in a chronological and linear order. It means a new block is added to the end of the last block being added. Once a block is added to the end of the chain, information recorded in the previous block cannot be altered.

So, how this works? Each block in a blockchain includes a hash from the previous block. Any change in data made in one block will also change the hash of the previous block. But the blockchain will reject the modified block because the hash in it and the previous block will not match.

Impenetrability in the blockchain is ensured using codes. Blockchain datasets are cryptographically secured. It means to modify information in a block, you will require two cryptographic keys – a public key and a private key. A public key is typically the database’s address, while the private key (also known as a personal key) needs to be authenticated by the network. Only users of the network who have access to the public key and the private key can add or change data in a blockchain.

Hence, effective blockchain management helps ensure improved security and privacy within the network.

How is blockchain used: Real-world examples

To help you better understand why blockchain is important for business, here are some real-world examples and applications of this cutting-edge technology in the business environment.

Blockchain and financial services
Cryptocurrencies are taking the world by storm – and the technology behind them is blockchain. Decentralization, transparency, and security of blockchain technology have enabled banks and financial institutions to make digital asset transactions safer, faster, and more convenient.

One real-world use case of blockchain in the world of cryptocurrencies is Ripple Blockchain. Banks and financial institutions use this blockchain solution to streamline their transactions with digital currencies.

Another popular cryptocurrency wallet that you will come across in recent times is ABRA. You can use this wallet to efficiently record and monitor the balances of different currencies using Bitcoin technology. You can also leverage various blockchain solutions developed by Barclays Bank that can help your business or institution monitor different financial transactions, stay compliant, and reduce fraud.

Blockchain in healthcare
A real-world example of blockchain in healthcare is Gem. You can leverage their blockchain solution to store data regarding disease outbreaks. This technology can be helpful in response-related work and disaster relief. Another real-world application of blockchain in business is MedRec. This MIT project can help you store and track valuable medical records electronically in a blockchain. This way, it can aid in authentication, confidentiality, and managing data sharing.

Blockchain in real estate
If you are thinking about how blockchain technology can help progress the real estate sector, then Ubiquity is a good real-world example. The startup company has developed a blockchain solution that can help you manage and track legal processes arising from disputes in a real estate transaction.

The uses of blockchain technology are far-reaching. It is in a nascent stage but its impact across diverse industries cannot be overemphasized. The above real-world examples can help you understand how technology is disrupting modern business operations today.

Who uses blockchain: Industries and sectors

Several industries globally are tapping into the potential of blockchain technology that can help identify more business opportunities, establish trust, and reduce friction. Some of the primary industries that use blockchain are supply chain and bank & financial institutions. It is also making a noteworthy impact in the fields of healthcare, manufacturing, and real estate. Recently, some of the industries that are leveraging the potential of blockchain are retail, travel & transportation, media, telecommunications, insurance, etc.

Why use blockchain: Advantages and benefits

Businesses are constantly being plagued with numerous challenges. Traditional record-keeping systems often result in duplicate entries, lack of transparency, and vulnerability to threats. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT) has further caused a boom in data transactions. All these have slowed down businesses and impacted their bottom line. So, here’s why use blockchain for business and revolutionize the transformation journey:

·      Enhanced accuracy in storing and managing data by eliminating human involvement in validation.
·      Decentralization makes it difficult for malicious actors to tamper with the data, therefore, ensuring greater security and privacy.
·      It is a members-only network, which means you can have the confidence of getting the most timely, up-to-date, and accurate data. It also helps build trust by ensuring that all confidential datasets will only be shared with network members who are authorized to access the same.
·      Blockchain works as a distributed ledger, shared among authorized network members. This helps cut down time-consuming data reconciliations.
·      It ensures cost reduction by eliminating the need for the data to be verified by a third-party – and the related costs.
·      With decentralized blockchain technology, you can also be assured of more efficient transactions because it replaces the need for a central authority, which can be time-consuming.


With several practical applications, blockchain is gaining more significance in today's fast-evolving business environment. When implemented successfully, it can help business operations be more efficient, accurate, secure, and cost-effective.

At Roonyx, we understand Blockchain.

We are pioneering the future with blockchain. As an industry leader trusted by top companies, our decade-plus of experience enables us to collaborate with clients to unlock blockchain's immense potential.

We approach every project as your strategic partner, combining deep technology expertise with an entrepreneurial mindset to deliver solutions tailored for your specific business needs.

Our track record of success demonstrates our commitment to transforming industries through secure, scalable blockchain development.

Let's connect to discuss how blockchain can empower your organization's future. We look forward to shaping the next generation of innovation together.
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